Sunday, October 28, 2012

Foxy Shazam 10/27/12

standing on his keyboards

Its always admirable to witness anyone completely leave all inhibitions, self-doubt, and fear behind and just... let... go.  What a feeling of relief that must bring.  Now multiply that by six members and add a little arrogance and you've got Foxy Shazam.  I saw them open for Slash a few months ago and couldn't resist them in a headlining position for the annual Brouhaha Halloween show at The Masquerade.  I've seen my share of bands and only The Hives come close to the showmanship of this group, and they're still two completely different animals.  These guys are totally off the wall.  Leader Eric Nally is a two ton force in a teeny 80 pound body.  His modest size must give him the ability to crash to his knees and pop right back up again dozens of times a show without injury, night after night.  At one point he asked us for a cigarette, then took 5 or 6 out of the dozens thrown at him, lit them all at once in his mouth, and then ate them.  I told you, off the friggin' wall.  And his maniacal band mates do their best to not be outdone, to boot.  But don't let the antics fool you.  With crass lyrics and somewhat feminine vocals, they are musically talented with an 80s hairband sound fused with modern metal and a tinge of soul.  I wasn't sure the seasoned floor of the Heaven portion of the venue could withstand the performance and the audience.  Always kinda worries me when I can feel the second story floor bounce beneath me.      

Sky White crowd surfing while playing his keyboards

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