Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Cold War Kids 4/17/13

Not too bad for a minimal production show.  The sound, however, was pretty stellar.  They were tight and not far off from what they have recorded in studio,which is kind of rhythmically off kilter but still manages to sound cool.  Its my own fault for not obtaining and absorbing all of their albums, including the latest Dear Miss Lonely Hearts, but I will by the next time they come around Atlanta way.  They only played a handful from their debut Robbers & Cowards (which I know front to back by heart) including the instantly catchy bass riff hit "Hang Me Out to Dry" and "Hospital Beds" then ended the first set with "Saint John".  I was glad to hear that one just to see how they would pull it off live, and they nailed it.

"We Used to Vacation" started the encore set that also included "Something is Not Right with Me" which were both crowd-pleasers, although they never jammed on my personal favorite, "Tell Me in the Morning".  Leader Nathan Willett jumped from piano to guitar seamlessly while belting it out with his angelically shrill falsetto vocals throughout the night, like a good boy should.

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