Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Black Crowes 8/26/07

Even after the 10th time seeing the whole band, with various guitar players depending on the year and this time with a new keyboardist ("Weird Ole Ed" Harsch aging gracefully in retirement), they still manage to put on a solid rock show.  We got there a little late and in the middle of "Seein' Things for the First Time," not sure how many we missed, probably not too many.  Luckily, I was there for one of my favorites, "Thorn in my Pride," which always includes a drum solo from Steve.  Chris was in normal fashion when he had to push a guy off of the stage with his mike stand.  A group of very inebriated fellas some how got front row seats, the punks, and decided to sit on the edge of the stage with their back to the band.  No surprise here that Chris did not appreciate that at all.  He had to do it again during "She Talks to Angels" in the encore set.  Where the hell were ya, Chastain Security???  I really thought he might walk off the stage after that time, the look on his face, if you looked through the long beard and hair, was priceless.  They "appropriately" ended the night with a bluesed up Nazareth tune, "Shape of Things to Come," which they also recorded with Jimmy Page on the Live at the Greek album.  It still kills me that they had to cancel that tour short with Jimmy's bad back before they got to Atlanta.  The Robinson's did announce that they have recorded a new album that should be coming out soon.  They didn't play any new tracks from it, but they did play a new one, "Saddle Your Pony", when I saw the brothers play by themselves acoustic style back in April.  Plenty to look forward to in the coming months from the Crowes.

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